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Old 2012-07-07, 16:09   Link #320
黄金の魔女 Golden Witch
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Natal-RN, Brazil
Age: 28
And it looks like my hate of the minigame really was because playing it with a touchpad sucks. Now in a computer with a proper mouse I could finally finish reading the story, and goddammit I want to read the full version already.

Overall, I didn't like the very start too much (the bit before the opening) because it felt too rushed, but then R07's writting skills were put to shine and I greatly enjoyed it. Also another Higurashi reference: the overkill medal is Rena with her axe/billhook/whatever you want to call it.

The different artstyles blended very well, except for Claudia whose sprite looks obviously strange compared to the others but I can endure it. The music is also very good, but nothing too outstanding yet.

The characters were also great and well written. For me, Wayne and Stella stole the spotlight whenever they appeared (and I'm not complaining).

So that's it. Now to wait for the full game.
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