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Old 2012-07-08, 03:41   Link #110
Diamond Dust Survivor
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: New York
Fine... I'll put some effort in just this once...

Originally Posted by itachi-san314 View Post
i tried to avoid you making a silly comment like this by stating that this event has nothing to do with the conversation. itachi would be alive in the scenarios you are discussing so him being a dead ET zombie and breaking out has nothing to do with anything. i find it interesting how you jumped on this irrelevancy
Lol... you felt the need to bring it up first with laughable statements like:

Originally Posted by itachi-san314
because as we recently saw, even ET doesn't cause fear in itachi. he broke free from ET, defeated ET nagato, then beat the user of the technique with little trouble.
And you say I'm making silly comments? The relevancy is that it shows your biased perception of events.

and you are wrong. orochimaru's ET of the 1st was limited by orochimaru's knowledge and ability. his ET of hashirama was not even close to how powerful hashirama was when alive. itachi would have beat orochimaru using ET zombies of anybody including the 1st. also you simply dont know any of what you just said. you cant assume he could have been far away and not looking
If anyone is making assumptions here its you. You're assuming that Orochimaru can't use his Edo Technique at a distance when we've never seen anything that states otherwise, or even a reasonable explaination as to what would limit them to the user's vicinity. Even if he's close by, you're assuming Orochimaru would automatically get caught in a Genjutsu. You're assuming that Itachi can defeat 3+ Edo Zombies who are for all purposes immortal and exist beyond the Jutsu caster's death unless the Jutsu is undone. You're also assuming that Orochimaru's Edo Zombies are weaker than Kabuto's, which isn't the case when you take into account my next paragraph.

Looking at it another way, the 3rd Hokage was said to be the "God of Shinobi" knew every Jutsu in Konoha, yet the scale of his battle with Orochimaru was nothing compared to what we've seen after. All the Kages since (from different villages included) have shown tremendous ability beyond what the 3rd showed during his battle. Does this mean he's weaker? No, its simply inflation of powers as the manga goes on.

Now if you were really following my point from the beginning instead of being a biased Itachi fanboy, you'd see where I was going when I said Kish never meant for Harashima to be the powerhouse he is now. It simply makes no sense when you realize that Orochimaru could have used him to beat Itachi.

because it was itachi's technique... not every MS power is the same among ninja.
Amaterasu was his technique as well. Ask yourself why Sasuke was given Amaterasu and not Tsukuyomi? Ask youself why the Author felt the need to stop the technique with Itachi. Its pretty clear.

itachi was invincible per zetsu's comment. you're talking about the elitest of ninja and then complaining that they are too powerful. of course their techniques are powerful, they are the elite... only a handful of other characters can even try to fight them. don't forget that kabuto invented a technique to make himself immune to genjutsu. then there is sasori and others as well who aren't susceptible or have defenses for genjutsu, but its like i said, you're not going to find many other ninja to stand up to itachi or sasuke with EMS tsukiomi (who doesn't exist) because they are near the pinnacle of god-like ninjas
I never once complained about Itachi being too powerful. I said he was given a powerful ability that ended with him for a very good reason. Its boring to the readers to have the bad guy stare at and opponent and beat them. I don't see why you feel the need to defend that. Ask yourself why Sasuke was given Amaterasu and not Tsukuyomi? Its pretty clear.

It goes beyond being a god-like ninja. Naruto is pretty up there in terms of power now and yet he would fall to a single Tsukuyomi. The problem is that the requirements for defeating that Jutsu are so steep. You need to be an Uchiha (pretty much extinct), a Rinnegan user (pretty much 1 person in the world) or your maniac ninja turned puppet who doesn't have a chakra circulation to manipulate.

Also Kabuto wasn't immune to Genjutsu.. he blocked out his vision. Something you apparently don't think Orochimaru could have done (close his eyes!) after summoning Edo Zombies and letting them do the dirty work.

There... you made me write a wall of text all because you can't accept 1 single point. Harashima was never suppose to be this powerful in the beginning as Orochimaru would have used him to beat Itachi! All of your assumptions are merely you trying to explain away a giant plot hole. Even after I said in my initial post that I'm sure the author intended Itachi>Orochimaru.. that still didn't satisfy your Itachi Fanboyism I guess. Anways I'm done with this conversation, take away from it what you will.
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