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Old 2012-07-08, 08:00   Link #88
ronin myael
lost ronin
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: in the recesses of my convoluted mind...
Originally Posted by grey_1960 View Post
Would you trust a pirate who made an alliance with your enemy, when he is supposed to be on your side? If the WG has the rationing and thought process of buggy the clown then it would work. It is time to start replacing the shichibukai with special robots like Bartholomew Kuma. You get a devil fruit user, Shichibukai level fighter, loyalty, huge reputation, mindless robot who will do you bidding, and they never stab you in the back.
sorry to interrupt your little debate but here's my two cents, i don't think the WG completely trust any of the shichibukai, nor do they expect them to act like obedient dogs. as someone else said, their arrangement is purely business. as long as the other hold their end of the bargain then why cut a mutually beneficial business arrangement? if trafalgar law, in any case, betrays them, then i don't doubt the WG would do something about it. as for the threat that you speak of, i'm sure they're aware of it, they have no control over any of the warlords so i think they all see them as potential threats. but i would bet that an organization as powerful as the WG would have so-called "safety nets" in case any of them went out of line. law is powerful, yes, but nothing they can't handle if push comes to shove. even the straw hats can be disposed of if they truly wanted it. but the WG has bigger fish to fry, there are the yonkou to contend with and the revolutionaries, etc.

as for replacing the shichibukai, well there's a reason why privateers have always existed in the world of pirates. the shichibukai are chosen for their reputations and their knowledge of the pirate world. robots may inflict fear but they don't carry the name and pride of these "bloodthirsty" shichibukai. robots are predictable too and can be easily destroyed if you know which buttons to push. they don't have the smarts and resources of real people. they make good soldiers but would make poor political allies in a world of cutthroats.
"Sometimes you wake up. Sometimes the fall kills you. And sometimes, when you fall, you fly."~ Neil Gaiman (The Sandman)
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