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Old 2012-07-08, 10:28   Link #33
Praise the sun!
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Sweden
Age: 34
Originally Posted by ion475 View Post

1. Ezelcant follow the tradition of "final" villain as to "evolve humanity" by destroying the old. Starts with Char and the twisted ideal continues. On side note with Project Eden, at least they just throw it out there in Episode 39 instead of Episode 45 or something like that (Cough...Destiny Plan...Cough)
2. He'll pay for not killing Kio. God knows whether it'll be Kio, Captain Ash, or Flit that will finish him off, most likely Kio but of course, it can always be Zeheart...
3. Fake Asteroid...and Vagan didn't even bother to shot it to see if they can destroy it before it reached their colony. With the power of a Gundam, 3 asteroids are really nothing...
4. Deen and Kio will faced each other in battlefield one day.
5. Of course, they have to show AGE-3 going nowhere b/c they have to sell Gundam AGE-FX gunplas, starting next episode.
6. Speaking of AGE-3, will they just scrap it? Or will Flit take it over...I mean, AGE-1 is dated...
7. And the Su-Pa Pairotto, definitely on a different level compare to when he was getting pwn by Zeheart over and over again.
Asem + Flit in the AGE-3? now that would be something, Flit working as a X-rounder radar, and Asem being the SUPAH PAIROTTO.

The AGE-3 already has a headshot-slot for the pirate eyepatch too, Splendid!
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