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Old 2012-07-18, 21:50   Link #243
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Mami Lives, Homura Romance

It was a dream for those who remember it at its height.
It was a nostalgic memory for lovers of the ancient.
It was a world that everybody once revered for its mystery and chaos.
Now it is but the chief jewel in the cold cosmic crown of a magic-wielding despot.
But today, four weeks after Kaname Madoka become a Puella Magi, it has a special visitor…

Jinopolis, El Hazard

“It’s been a long time since you stepped foot on this world, Incubator.” the greenish-haired, purple-suited, whitish-caped, golden crown-wearing magus stated from his throne.

“I thought you would be curious to know what’s happened on the planet of your birth, Emperor Jinnai.” the whitish, red beady-eyed alien replied.

They meet in the glitzy throne room of a capitol city structured like something out of an Arabian dream, but now redesigned to be purplish and crystalline. It certainly makes for a fascinating sight.

“I already know what Kaname Madoka wished for.” Jinnai stated.

“That wish renders your wish somewhat inconsequential, doesn’t it?” Kyubey asked in reply.

“You Incubators claim to have no emotions, but I find that hard to believe.” Jinnai replied, with a smirk, “After all, it seems like you’re here merely to gloat. Did my decision to not go along with your suggested plan bother you that much, Incubator?”

“No, but even a being without emotions can perceive the great irony in the current situation.” Kyubey replied, “You chose to remain away from Earth because you felt that five Puella Magi constituted too many variables for you to account for. And yet those five still remain, and are joined by a sixth. Like you, those six now have limitless magical energy. A much worst situation for you than if Madoka had made the wish that you would have had her make.”

“You’re here in the hopes of persuading me to find a way to undo Kaname’s wish?” Jinnai asked, choosing to cut to the chase.

“Correct.” Kyubey replied, “That wish will result in far fewer witches arising, which makes it much more difficult to gather energy to combat the entropy!”

“Entropy is your concern, not mine.” Jinnai replied.

“But Earth is your concern, and the current situation will make it harder for you to conquer it!” Kyubey stated.

Jinnai smirked widely at that, while he rested the side of his face on his fist.

“Not at all.” Jinnai stated, “In fact, I couldn’t be more pleased!”

“Why is that?” Kyubey asked in sincere puzzlement, while tilting his head to the side, “Even you are no longer a match for the Puella Magi of Earth!”

“Perhaps not, but other Puella Magi will be.” Jinnai stated.

“What do you mean?” Kyubey asked in turn.

“Given how you no longer will gain energy from magical girls turning into witches, you will need to compensate for that by contracting with far more human girls, correct?” Jinnai asked, “In fact, you may even want to consider once more contracting with the stronger sex, Incubator!”

“That is a consideration now.” Kyubey stated, “Whether we contract with human males or not, it is true that the total number of humans we contract with will have to increase, yes.”

“And then it’s just a matter of time until the world of magical humans is discovered.” Jinnai stated, “Without witches and familiars to contend with, magical humans will more readily use their powers for gains in the real world.”

“That already occurred in human history.” Kyubey interjected, “Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, and several others… they used their Puella Magi powers to impact the real world. They did not just fight witches and familiars!”

“True, but they were anomalies, and didn’t have to contend with other magical girls.” Jinnai stated, “Once the total number of Puella Magi reaches a certain critical mass, you will see a considerable increase in the petty squabbles and fights between them.”

“Like what Sayaka Miki and Hitomi Shizuki had?” Kyubey asked.

“Precisely.” Jinnai answered, “Imagine dozens of Puella Magi fights like that all over Earth! How long will it take before world governments catch sight of one, and learn of the truth about the world of magical girls?”

“The general human population knew of Puella Magi in the past.” Kyubey stated, “Those ‘magical humans’ were simply looked upon as gods and goddesses!”

“Yes, but that was in a less scientific age.” Jinnai replied, “I know that you Incubators look down on humans, but we’ve come farther than I think you’re willing to give us credit for. We’ll now recognize alien involvement for what it is. And we’ll recognize magical humans as having godly powers but malleable human hearts.”

“So what are you saying then?” Kyubey asked.

“When your people look on humanity you see disorder and chaos.” Jinnai stated, “You see dangerous and extreme individualism. So you think that we humans don’t value order much. But in truth, we do. Once the general populace of Earth learns of the existence of magical girls, they will grow to fear magical girls, and hence Earth governments will seek to control them.”

“I doubt many magical girls will agree to that.” Kyubey stated.

“They won’t.” Jinnai replied with his most devious smirk yet, “And that’s when Earth will be plunged into war. Wars, and rumors of wars, and catastrophic social upheavals. Such a planet will eventually lay ripe for my picking!”

Jinnai then laughed with a tremendously triumphant tone. But would his words prove prophetic or not?

Tokyo, Earth, 2072

My wife Homura and I are now joining our friends Sayaka, Mami, and Hitomi in a cozy basement lounge room in Hitomi’s new home in Tokyo. Kyousuke is looking after my daughter Lutecia, and Hitomi’s daughter Mugi. I am very thankful to him for that, as it allows the five of us to speak openly about rising concerns within the world of Puella Magi.

“I hope the coffee and cupcakes are to everyone’s satisfaction.” Hitomi stated, after she placed a tray of them on the central table in this room.

Homura and I are seated next to each other on one couch, Hitomi and Mami are seated next to each other on an identical couch, and Sayaka sits on a comfy chair about half the size of those two couches.

“This coffee really hits the spot!” Sayaka said with a smile, after picking up one of the five cups of coffee on the tray, and then proceeding to drink some of it, “It has a very nice aroma too. Thanks, Hitomi.”

“These cupcakes are great too!” I exclaimed with a wide smile, after eagerly digging into one.

“I’m glad you approve.” Hitomi replied, “But we probably should get down to the main point of our meeting.”

“Right.” Mami chimed in, somewhat soberly, “I’ll start, if everybody’s fine with that.”

The rest of us all nodded in agreement with that.

“Recently, Hitomi and I were confronted by two Puella Magi.” Mami stated, “One was brandishing a sharp reddish sword, and had a fighting style similar to yours, Sayaka. The other one had the ability to summon forth many machine guns, and her main weapon was a rocket launcher.”

“That sounds scary!” I said.

“It was.” Mami replied, “That’s why Hitomi and I decided to make a strategic retreat from these two new Puella Magi. We later learned that their identities are Mion and Shion Sonozaki. They are members of one of the main Yakuza families in the area.”

“In recent months and years, we’ve all managed to severely limit the effectiveness of the yakuza.” Hitomi chimed in, “We’ve also helped to bring many of them to justice, by essentially capturing them for the police. But it appears that they’ve now learned the source of our powers, and are having daughters of important yakuza leaders take advantage of that same source.”

“Any idea what wishes that they may have made?” Sayaka asked.

“We don’t know for sure, but I have noticed a lot of unfortunate political changes lately.” Hitomi answered, “It seems like increasingly more and more politicians are in the back-pockets of the yakuza. Perhaps that relates to one of the wishes that these girls made.”

“More and more convicted yakuza criminals are also being let go on very light sentences.” Mami stated, “There has been a definite change, and it’s one that threatens to undo all of the gains we’ve made in trying to combat crime.”

“Then it looks like we have no choice.” Sayaka stated sternly, “We’ll have to start taking the fight to these criminally-inclined Puella Magi!”

“But Sayaka…” I said, feeling very worried over her suggestion here, “A fight between two magical girls could be very dangerous! It’s not likely we’ll be able to knock them out as easily as we can simple crooks.”

“Maybe not, Madoka, but it’s a risk we’ll have to take.” Sayaka replied, “If we don’t, the yakuza will be back, worse than ever!”

“What about escalation?” Homura asked, deciding to support me here.

“Escalation?” Sayaka asked in turn.

“You, Mami, and Hitomi go after them in force, so they recruit more magical girls.” Homura said, “Madoka and I get more involved, and then they start trying to raid us.”

“…And?” Sayaka asked.

“And then you have a situation like what’s going on in America right now.” Homura stated.

“America?” Sayaka asked.

“I caught the news on the radio on the way here…” Hitomi said in a low tone, “It’s not good, Sayaka.”

“A recording of it should be on our local stations now, along with Japanese subtitles.” Homura stated, “So let’s watch it on TV.”

Homura then turned on the big screen TV in this basement longue room, and all five of us started watching it carefully. Sure enough, our local news network carried highlights of US President Jacob Bush’s special national address.

“…earlier today, one of the largest high schools in the nation was thoroughly demolished as hostilities broke out between four of the new breed of metahumans that we’ve seen in increasing numbers in recent years.” stated President Bush, “This is a national tragedy, as several lives were lost amidst the violence, and dozens more were injured.”

“For years now, we’ve known of the existence of ‘magical girls’” President Bush continued, “Since they were heroes helping out everyday citizens, we allowed them to go… unregulated. But with this latest tragedy, that is no longer an option. Starting tomorrow, I will begin working with Congress to enact a comprehensive Metahuman Registration Act. This act will legally require all metahuman citizens of these United States to register as such, and fall under strict government supervision. These metahuman citizens will be drafted into special government task forces, which will ensure the peace and prosperity of our great land.”

Homura then turned off the TV.

“If a similar tragedy happens here, Japan will almost certainly follow in the America's footsteps.” Homura stated soberly, “Madoka and I both essentially work for the government as employees of JAXA. But using our minds to help the cause of scientific advancement is very different from using our magical powers for whatever the government may want them for. That’s not something I’m entirely comfortable with. Are you, Sayaka?”

“I…” Sayaka began in uneasy reply, “No, I guess not.”

“So now we must determine what risks we’re willing to take in order to fight against the Puella Magi that are working for the Yakuza.” Mami said.

“Determining that won’t be easy…” Hitomi stated, after breathing a brief sigh.

My wish seemed to create so much good for so many. But now I can see that there was a cost to it. Difficult questions would need to be answered by my wife, and friends, in the days to come. I can only hope that the right decisions will be made.

I had a happy life with my faithful wife and beautiful daughter, and many great friends. But now I can see that preserving that life may involve constant perseverance, and effort. I hope that I will be up to the task.

The End.


And that's the Epilogue for Mami Lives, Homura Romance. Who knows? A spinoff fanfic may one day come from it.

I hope that people found it an interesting read at least.

Now, thanks again for Kirito and his excellent replies. To answer one of your questions, Kirito, you nailed half of it. I was thinking of Sony and Microsoft. Your idea would work well too though!

Last edited by Triple_R; 2012-07-18 at 22:06.
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