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Old 2012-07-19, 07:53   Link #81
Sawa-Chan <3 <3 <3
Join Date: Dec 2004
Originally Posted by ronin myael View Post
i hate to compare the three series but among them, one piece has the least inconsistencies (if there are any at all, some may argue that they couldn't find any) and it's the longest running series among the three. it's not about the length of the series, it's about the author's ability to write consistently. kubo is probably the most inconsistent among them but kishi seems to be catching up in that department. as far as i'm concerned, he still hasn't explained why kakashi gained mangekyou or if indeed he did since some fans seem to think kakashi's "mangekyou" is merely an upgraded sharingan. that should have been explained years ago but he seems to have forgotten that little piece of detail. that's just one of the many unanswered questions, inconsistencies or what others call asspulls in narutoverse. if he does answer them later, i hope he could justify why he had to wait all the way to the end of the manga to answer them.
I personally think one piece has much less inconsistencies than the other two as well. And yes Kubi is a really good and consistent writer if you ask me. But i think it would be a bit unfair to compare Naruto and one piece story wise. Imo Naruto's story is more deep and complicated than one piece while one piece is more straight forward (just personal opinion).

One thing for me personally that hasn't been consistent in one piece is the relation between Haki and DFs. I don't think Kubi has been that clear about how they work together and when they do and when they don't. Let me rephrase that, Most of the time he probably has been but many times he hasn't. I won't get into this much more than this as this is a Naruto thread.

Don't get me wrong, i like one piece more than Naruto in terms of enjoyment but i still think Naruto's story is a bit better ( not by much but still better).

Imo One piece beats Naruto in terms of character design while Naruto beats one piece in terms of story.

Originally Posted by Hunter View Post
You haven't disagreed with anything I've said, you've only provided your ideas about how to explain the inconsistencies I raised. I didn't go into that in the first place, I was merely summarizing the basics of the argument to Dengar.
Now I do disagree with your opinion on many points and I could go into that if you wish to discuss this further (though the who is Tobi thread is a better place for that).
I was doing both . Disagreeing ( on a few points not all ) and giving examples of how inconsistencies could get explained. But in a way , i guess you are right too. You were just summarizing the thought process behind the theory and it's inconsistencies. I personally do think some of the inconsistencies mentioned have been touched upon and some what explained but i guess having more explanation from Kishimoto would be nice. I personally thought talking about Tobi=obito and things related to that were ok in this thread but it seems i have gone off topic. My apologies .
Originally Posted by hunter
Personally my new pet theory is that Tobi is some kind of Zetsu offset, a mish mash of the personalities of dead shinobi that Zetsu ate. Hence his ridiculous amount of knowledge spanning generations, his weird body, his personality all over the place, the fact that he call himself No one and his desire to end individuality.
Very good theory. I like it. I think there are many plausible theories at the moment and although i am leaning toward the Obito= Tobi theory, i still think there is a good chance that might not be the case.

Last edited by Whitemoon648; 2012-07-19 at 08:30.
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