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Old 2012-07-20, 13:39   Link #22588
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2009
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There is no confusion:

Only 12% of the guns used by the Cartels are of US origin (that they know of), the rest are of foreign sources since you cannot buy machineguns or grenades in the USA over the counter at a gun store.

That's the problem with this shooting in the Colorado theater, the national media is acting like this guy went full auto with an AR-15 (which is impossible since it is semi-auto only).
Many idiots online are calling it an AK-47, which is another weapon you cannot buy here in the US as a full-auto weapon at a gun store.

So whether we're talking about Mexico, or Columbine, or now Aurora, we are not speaking of military weapons but rather civilian look-a-likes that shoot like hunting rifles not military guns.

Here is some more info on the shooter:
Colorado theater shooting suspect was neuroscience Ph.D student (PHOTO)

I would agree, but just legalizing marijuana, hash, and peyote would go a long way in reducing the wallet size of the Cartels.
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