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Old 2012-07-21, 22:50   Link #137
Join Date: Oct 2004
Originally Posted by Rennir View Post
How many times did they use a timeskip in episode 3? Anyways I thought the episode was good, but just good. The pacing definitely felt off--but not exactly in a rushed sort of way.

I said before the anime aired that I thought it would be a good idea to do everything chronologically and now I have to admit that I was wrong. While I think certain SS's should've been done chronologically (the majority of the one's involving Asuna), the rest, in retrospect, would've been better served being done as flashbacks instead. And RNR is one of the episodes better served as a flashback, because the importance of this event and how it affect's Kirito's mindset won't be revealed until much later.
I agree. The introduction of the episode could have handled better than just randomly dropping Kirito with the Black Cats guild. I think starting out the episode with Kirito reminiscing his old guild members on Christmas Eve would have served as a better segue to setting the whole tone of this story arc. Alas, seems like the anime staff have decided to play out the story chronologically.

They did do a pretty good at the message scene at the end though as it still managed to stir some emotions out of me.
omg Ku-chan!
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