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Old 2012-07-22, 07:45   Link #211
I disagree with you all.
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Dengar View Post
Nope! I've finally watched the episode, and here I am!

Ok ok lets see what do we have here?

1) Ok it's clear a fair amount of time has passed. People have now reached the 28th floor.
Spoiler for novel RNR, timeline:

2) Kirito is hanging out on the lower floors for some reason. Will we found out why?
It's nothing important.

Spoiler for novel RNR, reason for Kirito's presence in the lower floors:

3) Yes! He mentioned that the Guild Leader's mentality is something that's needed on the front lines, so he stuck with them to help them get to the front line faster!
4) He hides his level from the others. Extrapolating from that, and judging from earlier episodes, this guy has one damn big fear of rejection. Kinda reminds me of Asuna, seems both of them are kind of afraid of other people. Maybe that's why they work so well together?
There is still the Beater thing. That fear isn't unjustified.

5) The girl, Sachi was it? She was cute. I actually did not expect her (or any of her friends) to die because she was in the opening.
6) Klein! Hi Klein! You're alive! And apparently you're on the front line? Looking good, brudda. Awkwardness ensues. Kirito is really, REALLY bad with people, clearly.
7) The trap, ah yes, the trap. I'm not quite sure why this trap was so overwhelming? Were they in an area that was way out of their league to begin with? I'm going to have to admit that these guys weren't very genre savvy, but if everyone in the world was genre savvy, would the term even exist to begin with? To be fair, the room was already hidden, so it could just as well have been a hidden treasure chest. The only reason I knew it was a trap, was, well, in fiction, it's ALWAYS a trap.
They were higher than they were used to. Still, if they'd been a bit (a lot) more careful, it wouldn't have ended that way.

8) Oh nose! Everyone died! Yeah I didn't really get to know these people very well, but I do feel for Kirito. He's known these people for FAR longer than we have, and one of them is pretty cute and he's promised to protect all of them and all that. Then the leader guy commits suicide that's like he WANTS Kirito to cross the despair event horizon.
9) Christmas event? An item that can bring someone back to life? Ok I understand, everything that happened before this point was specifically to set up this character establishing moment. After watching everyone die, apparently he crawled even deeper into his shell. I kind of understand.
10) I sort of expected the drop to be a half-dud. It really DOES bring back the dead... Except they can't be dead for longer than 10 seconds.
11) Information Girl <3
I know, right?

Yeah we didn't have enough time to get to know all these side characters, but at least we got to see the effects they had on our main character. It was a pretty good episode. 8/10

I hope that satisfies the curiosty of some of those "I wonder what anime-only watchers think of this." people.
Yeah, thanks.

Originally Posted by Kafriel View Post
Usually in games, hidden rooms have either just an item or a trap with enemies of a slightly higher level (or in a bigger mob). This room had a wee bit too many monsters though and Sachi had the bad luck to fight a tanky one. From Kirito's reaction, I suppose that hidden rooms don't appear until much later in the game, but how would he know that when he only got to 8F in beta? Did he go out and solo at night until the highest cleared floor or something?
That's what he was doing when he met Klein. Also
Spoiler for novel RNR, how Kirito knew it was a trap:
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