Thread: Crunchyroll Dog Days' (Dash) [2nd season]
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Old 2012-07-22, 16:12   Link #682
Guess what time it is?
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
Age: 38
Dog Days does such a great job of setting up what an awesome thing everyone has going for them that I'm sure I'll immediately buy into the conflict as soon as something comes along to threaten it. If Becky's words are any hint, though, it sounds like the real threat to the happy status quo is just the trio of friends growing up or growing apart.

Nanami and Becky finally give us a chance to hear the viewer perspective on Cinque's unusual relationships with Biscotti's finest. Their attempt to keep straight faces as Ricotta described why she loves the hero was pretty priceless. Also, last season, I seem to recall Cinque being given the "huge brass balls" award for playing fetch with the sovereign ruler of a warrior nation. Now she's running in circles at the front door to the castle going "Walk?? Time for walk??"

LOL at Becky's passing insinuation that the Hero Harem might include Gaul.

And hooray for Eclair still getting a respectable amount of screen time given the size of the cast. Her unconscious tail-wagging in anticipation of her camping trip with Cinque was too mu- hnnnggghh.
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