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Old 2012-07-25, 11:25   Link #35
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Originally Posted by Bri View Post
Depends, if the risk of begin caught with a gun outweighs the advantage of using a gun, then yes, most criminals outside of high end organized crime will probably abide by a total gun ban.

Take for example Singapore, possession of even relatively small amounts of drugs warrants capital punishment. If you apply that type of legislation to guns, even criminals will think twice before using one, especially in lower level crime like street crimes, robberies, burglaries, etc. Given the severity of punishment, criminals would also be fairly sure that their intended victims would not carry guns, de-escalating the arms race between citizen and criminal.
Bri, the minimum sentence for having an illegal machine gun is 30 years, with a maximum of life in prison.
Criminals in the US still use machine guns and sawed off shotguns.
The only thing stronger than that would be the death penalty.

Not saying your suggestion doesn't have merit, I think it does only I'd modify it from possession of firearms to the penalties for use of a firearm in a crime.
Take say armed robbery and add a mandatory 10 years for use of a firearm over a knife or other lesser weapon.
Use of an illegal military weapon, the death penalty.
Use of a firearm that causes the intentional death of a victim, mandatory death penalty.
Use of a firearm that causes the unintentional death of a victim, mandatory 30 years-life.
Rape with the use of a firearm, castration.
I think if, like you said, the punishments were harsh enough then criminals would think twice before using a firearm to commit a crime.
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