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Old 2012-07-28, 12:37   Link #29841
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Originally Posted by Drifloon View Post
If the siblings were really accomplices, though, there'd be no point in that whole closed room setup with the servants in the first place. The only people it can fool ARE the siblings. Not only that, they didn't actually believe the servants were dead until Rosa and Maria died, remember?
We know that the siblings were accomplices in other games. The one who has to be fooled from Yasu's point of view is Battler, not the siblings and we know that all the scenes that aren't witnessed by Battler can be not trustworthy.

Pick Ep 4. We know it's a complete fantasy to fool Battler. We also know that in Ep 6 everyone was an accomplice against Erika while in Ep 5 nearly everyone was an accomplice apart from Erika against Natsuhi.

Spoiler for Spoiler from Our Confession:

In Ep 3 I'm merely assuming the siblings and the servants were hired for faking a murder scene and reporting it to Battler. However, as soon as they had done, Yasu possibly murdered the unsuspecting servants. Now she should murder the siblings but something happened that caused her to change her plans so that Rosa and Maria's murder doesn't match the epitaph and probably wasn't even done by her.

Why should someone else murder Rosa and Maria?

Maria's murder, if not done by Rosa as the red proved, was likely done after Rosa's, otherwise she would have tried to stop the murder... also it would be stupid to try to murder her in front of her mother, not mentioning it's hard to find explanations for it.

Rosa's murder on the other side can be done for many other reasons, starting from an incident (someone pushed her in anger and she ended up on the fence and died) from killing her on purpose and attempt to set it up as an incident.

However Maria's murder can't be an incident.
Again Yasu likely would have let her for last and, considering how Maria is easy to deceive and how Yasu knows this well, she could have managed to trick her rather easily so it's unlikely she was killed by Yasu.

Another person on the other side might not have wanted to take the risk and might have chosen to kill Maria so that there were no witnesses.

Anyway all this seems not to be in Yasu's style as there aren't even the stakes.

This implies one of the murder was one of the siblings.
Why to kill Rosa though? What Eva really wanted was the headship (and enough gold to fix her echonomical problem) so I don't think she'll do so far as to think to murder her siblings to have the gold. On the other side Rosa can be pretty annoying so she could have pushed her in anger, not meaning to kill her.

However they had found an agreement previously. They had no reason to discuss about it such a short time after.

So it's more likely it was another sibling. This leaves us with Krauss or Rudolf (and their wives).
As it's implied that Hideyoshi was killed by Kyrie who purposely isolated him from the others I would pick up Rudolf and Kyrie but, of course, I might be wrong.
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