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Old 2012-07-30, 22:38   Link #114
Love Yourself
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Northeast USA
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Vexx View Post
The saddest thing to me is that for all our banter, our politicians are either too incompetent to construct a reasonable constitutional protocol, too fearful of the firearms lobby, or like the status quo of 'fear and loathing'. "Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right" goes the song lyric...
I think they like the status quo. I was waiting for GundamFan0083 to bring up his argument about how guns are society's way to guard against a corrupt government to point out that it would never happen, and it's for this reason: the politicians have done a phenomenal job of dividing people into extremes. People may hate one extreme in the government, but because their extreme is present in some form, they're pacified. Even if their extreme were lost, an armed uprising would not accomplish anything, because society would remain divided. The uprising would either be too small, or it would be put down by both the government and the parts of society holding opposite views (and who fear persecution, or a government set up and run entirely by the opposite extreme).

We're a Western version of the Shiites vs. Sunnis, just without the background of formal religion to create the divisions.
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