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Old 2012-08-11, 01:42   Link #49
Join Date: Jan 2011
Originally Posted by Mura View Post
New PV came out today:

Details from the ANN article:

Details we knew already but just thought I'd put it out there for people who didn't know.

Two things that stood out to me in the trailer:

Noumi, why are you there!?

Sky Raker's name was seen in this vid as Sky Laker so I guess it is an L and not a R?

Well anyways, things look pretty awesome from this vid so I can't wait. Oh and another thing I noticed. For the OVA, it looked like Haru's consciousness was in KYH. I wonder how that works.......
Simple. There will be two endings for each character you interact with. Good ending is obviously good ending. Bad ending is when your partner gets NTRed by Noumi. Just look at the new PV at 00:45.....

Now, I will stop joking.
It seems like you can change things like stats of Haruyuki such as Physical condition, Stamina, Intelligence, Body-shape. we can make Haruyuki taller and smaller then...?

We also can apparently increase Silver Crow's Accuracy, Defense, Offense, and Evade.

This game seems awesome. I hope it would be majority of battling rather than character interactions though...
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