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Old 2006-01-01, 01:45   Link #2
Weapon of Mass Discussion
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: New York, USA
Oh dear. I don't want to ban anyone, so listen up.

Here's the deal for everyone to cope with if they have either read the manga or heard about what happens after the coming filler arc: If you bring up anything that hasn't yet been mentioned in the anime, you had better use a spoiler tag. This particular spoiler won't be mentioned until after the filler arc, so you'll have to keep your lips zipped for a long time.

It will be tempting to use your spoiler knowlege to debate a particular point, so don't even think about debating it. You know what I mean. For any anime-only watchers reading this, don't worry about it too much if manga readers seem antsy about a particular point. They don't really know the answer, but some of them think that something is a lot more important than it might turn out to be.

Now here's a tutorial for using spoilers:

[spoiler=Bleach manga chapter 1234]
Finally we know the truth! Ichigo's inner hollow manifested as a result of eating his dad's cooking.

Will create this:
Spoiler for Bleach manga chapter 1234:

There's not that fine a line between willing suspension of disbelief and something just being stupid.

Last edited by NoSanninWa; 2006-01-01 at 01:55.
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