Thread: Licensed Kokoro Connect [anime]
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Old 2012-08-12, 04:23   Link #1152
Join Date: Apr 2003
IMHO Heartseed is both a blessing and a curse on the main characters. Something akin to a chaotic neutral demi-god as it were. As he stated at the end of the first arc -- we aren't aware of the full extent of his powers, but if we take him at his word ... he doesn't want to kill them, or overtly damage their belongings (he set the phone aside remember).

He sees them as a group of emotionally ... I don't want to say damaged ... but extremely "human" people. And through the events he puts in motion, he's not only able to appease his boredom, but even admits that the outcome isn't entirely bad for them either, as they are learning more about themselves and working out their problems. (And he could be lying about being bored even)

So while it's easy to consider Heartseed a right bastard -- I can't help but wonder if this is his plan all along -- to place them into situations that force them to understand and overcome their personal problems.

I guess we'll see by the third arc if the story is progressing the way I imagine it. IE: Arc1 identifies the problems, Arc2 will have a cathartic affect on Inaba and therapeutic on Iori, Arc3 will be cathartic or therapeutic for other chars, etc.

PS: I do think they need to actually do something with Aoki though. He seems to be the "A Channel Nagi" or "True Tears Aiko" character -- one they put in the show, but ends up never really utilized much.
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