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Old 2012-08-12, 15:38   Link #11
Beta by Accident
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Maine
Age: 52
Hmm...while I admit that "stuck on the island with two girls in swimsuits while we talk a lot" didn't do much for me (simply because the fanservice crossed the line from "hmm, cute" to "okay, enough of this already), it was nice to get to see some more character development, particularly from Cryska, who's been rather an enigma for the first six eps. (well, 3-6, since she wasn't in 1-2). Glimpses of her background and her occasionally odd perspectives on things suggest that her upbringing was very different than normal (something that informs on her background with Inia), making me interested in what's going on.

Particularly, this makes me interested in her response to Yuuya's revelation about his father--the point that she tells him he should be glad to have parents. Given that his entire point about his dad is that he doesn't have a father--that said father ran out on his family before Yuuya was even born--it makes me wonder if Cryska was basically born in a lab-rat creche or something, without even having identifiable parents. Guess Commie human-building technology found something more productive than East German female Olympic athletes to work on in MLA...

Yui, meanwhile, appears to have elevated her tsundere status to weapons-grade. The little sulking fit in the cave after catching Yuuya and Cryska in an "I know it's not a compromising circumstance but I don't care!" moment pretty much made her seem like a thirteen-year-old with her first crush. Which, depending on her age (she's probably still in her teens, since she was a high-schooler in 1998), and given her likely limited social experience owing to the usual dedication to family duty, etc., etc., she basically is. (The ending, where VG, Vincent, Stella, and Chobi are basically laughing at Yui and Yuuya's kid-romance antics, hangs a hat on this. It's also entertaining that all of them see through Yui's tsuntsun antics in half a second. Which goes a long way towards explaining why the other half of a pairing with a tsundere is always the Generic Clueless Harem Lead Nice Guy, because anyone else would either lose patience and bail or force the girl to cut through the BS and confront reality.)

(I don't know if Europeans have school swimsuits, but I have no idea why Vincent should have called it classic, since Americans definitely don't.)

Inia gets the best bit of the whole episode, when she smirks at Cryska's denial of having any interest in Yuuya. Looks like Yuuya's got himself into that rarest of rarities, the double-tsundere love triangle.
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