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Old 2012-08-14, 08:49   Link #1089
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Age: 38
Originally Posted by SaintessHeart View Post
Apple can go F- themselves; why should I pay for the "good" things when the best things in life are free?

A free market is about competition. If you don't like to compete, then shut down the company. I don't see how there is any patent infringement when handing over patent rights for a smartphone to a single company is like forcing the entire market to adhere to a monopoly technology.
Nothing is free, you may just have to pay indirect costs rather than direct costs. Also, if there's nothing to protect the company's designs, they aren't going to invest in R&D. Why spend millions or billions of dollars just to have someone copy it and release another version within 2 months?

And clearly the market isn't struggling, since either competitors don't mind licensing the patents, or they make their own versions that do well. Unless you think Apple and Microsoft are the only people making smart phones?
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