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Old 2012-08-18, 08:50   Link #4
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Trendy Backwater
Age: 38
The other writers may be worse but don't get as many jobs as this guy gets, what is baffling is potentially a big anime with humongous production value. Seems that Sunrise employs this guy a lot because they do know this guy is golden goose. I wasn't too fond of Sunrise anyway but I guess Japanese Otakus dig the production company for obvious reason and some other, probably a lot of them, Gundam and Gintama fans.

Even if there are restrictions, I'm sure every series adapters and writers suffer from the same pressures and prodings from the producers. While many anime suffered from lack of character developments, Hiroyuki Yoshino has some freaking extensive track record for poor characters. Well since I haven't seen My Hime nor Otome, I cannot judge it but seen a number of anime from him, I found them barely watchable, at least I found a few anime I'm surprised I like but not often does it happen.

While I do know everything in anime is supposed to be fantasy but some writers like him take the advantage of that idea too much and just run with it whether the series is barely consistent or not.

If there's anything I cannot stand in anime is black and white morality like you since the characters are the ones most likely the major focus in the anime. Their motivations and agendas matter to me more than anything. Watching the Guilty Crown was terrible and I stopped after ep03. All I saw were the eye candy and basically paperweights moving around. At least now I understand just how fickle to please the otakus.

I.e. my idea of underrated and overrated was not really specifically the writers themselves but if the anime that they wrote becomes the topic of discussion often or not.
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