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Old 2012-08-18, 13:10   Link #6
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Newfoundland, Canada
Age: 42
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I largely agree with Kaioshin on NisiOisin and Yoshino.

I think that NisiOisin is a good writer, but I think his strengths are slightly overrated and his weaknesses tend to get more of a pass than what the weaknesses of most writers get. NisiOisin is good at witty dialogue, but he occasionally overdoes it. And his overall plots are rarely anything to write home about, imo.

Now, Yoshino has some definite flaws as a writer, but I also think there's some important things that he "gets" which is why his anime works are pretty consistently commercial successes. I think Yoshino is very good at synthesizing together a veritable potpourri of diverse/popular anime tropes in a way that makes it look good and cool. I also think he's good at that high drama "edge of your seat" writing, as we see with his cliffhangers. Yoshino's shows often don't seem that good in retrospect, but there's a certain intrigue that he puts into his shows that makes it hard to break away from them while they're still ongoing. A Yoshino-wrote show is usually "an experience", be it good or bad.
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