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Old 2012-08-22, 16:52   Link #361
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Originally Posted by Seitsuki View Post
Think about it! Incest simply concentrates genes. Generally this means bad ones, because they're the ones which are prone to be recessive (if they weren't you'd be dead) and someone in your family would be more likely have more copies of em than someone else at random in the population. So your children are statistically more likely to come out with with those genes expressed, which in general again are the bad ones (the good ones would likely be dominant since they confer competitive advantage.. etcetc.. 101 ftw). Inbreeding depression would only result further down the line.. blahblah..

On the other hand.. what if you were bringing together superior genes? As in, really really superior genes? Yeah. That's right.

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Just a nitpick but i think you might have a misunderstanding of dominant/ recessive genes. A recessive gene is no more likely to be bad/harmful then a dominant gene and just as many gentic disorders are cause by bad Dominant genes, it's just the ones that are detramental to the point of not being able to reproduce get weeded out of the gene pool fairly quickly. And no matter how advantagous a gene is a recessive gene will never become a dominant gene. It may become a common gene in a population if the dominant gene causes too big of a disadvanage to breeding.
Higurashi: Its a bit like watching a trainwreck, except you keep getting to see different trains wrecking with roughly the same passengers, into a variety of different objects. Also, the trains are driven by monkeys. On LSD.
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