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Old 2012-08-23, 18:42   Link #449
Enjoying Snack Time!
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Where It's Legal to Marry Clara and Alice
Age: 35
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Great points as always Kenjiharima, but Barry was the same age as Wesker (38), and Billy was in his late twenties (26) during the events of Zero. So Billy will be in his 40's like Chris, while the latter will be in his 50's.

As for another RE game with the original story line they could use Sheva as a protagonist since she'll still be in her 20's compared to the other cast. But then again, it could be pointless considering that Claire and Jill are more popular and well demanded than her, and not many people liked her as much, plus with Sherry in the spotlight it does seem unlikely.

Last edited by Kirito; 2012-08-23 at 21:07.
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