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Old 2012-08-24, 03:34   Link #2644
Last Sinner
You're Hot, Cupcake
Join Date: Aug 2008
Age: 43
The three most ideal AD carries at present are Ezreal, Corki and Graves. Yours truly, a Miss Fortune junkie, has given up on her and only plays Corki or Ezreal now for the fact that any AD outside of those three needs to be babysat and protected like a boss.

However, if your team is willing to do that, use Draven. Otherwise, swallow your pride and learn one or more of the standard three. Or take a different role.

Ashe - Great harass but needs to be protected SO much. Get in her face and she's toast.
Caitlyn - Great laning/spam early but nowhere near effective enough late. Her ulti is far too weak.
Kog'Maw - Good spammer but perhaps the easiest to kill once you get past their ulti. Just get in its face and roll it.
Miss Fortune - Great harass and passives but her ulti and spam become somewhat ineffective late, needs to get ahead early and can't against proper bottom combos.
Tristana - Handy escapes and passives but not effective enough in team fights unless fed early.
Twitch - Decent burst but...why would you use him when there's FAR better...
Urgot - .....If anyone uses him, I just leave in choice screen....So he can spam and swap positions. Big deal...can easily be countered.
Varus - Weak and has to be babysat hard to be useful. Gets even weaker late game.
Vayne - Like her, Tumble is great as is any of her moves/passives. But she has to snowball. She is the best at snowballing along with Graves and Draven, but if she is contained/smashed early, she will be easy pickings to the max. Needs at least 3 tanks to protect her to work.

As for the more effective ones:

Corki - What's not to like about him? I used to despise him but after seeing pros use him, I now appreciate why they do. Valkyrie is great for escaping or closing in. Phosphorus Bomb and Gatling Gun make him a great farmer and ganker. His ulti is one of the best harasses in the game, full stop. Takes a while to be powerful, but he's darn effective. His only weakness IMO is a move that smashes a whole enemy team from range, he can only do it from short range.
Ezreal - Is there a better harasser in the AD class at present? Double harass, teleport for offense and escape, ulti to be team effective or to save towers. So darn useful. He is fragile though - as usual, needs a wall and a GA, perhaps earlier than Corki does.
Graves - A little weak early, but allow him to get going and he's beastly. Quickdraw is very aggressive and escape-handy. Buckshot is great harass and farming. Smoke Grenade is godly in a teamfight. Collateral Damage may have small margin for error but hit it and the other team is usually screwed. Passive makes him a bit tanky late-game. However, he has to be damn aggressive to be competitive and you need beef around you to stop you from being the obvious focus.

The reason those 3 are liked so much now is their ability to harass, escape and gold farm - all critical for an effective AD carry early, mid and late. They also don't need to snowball early - they can hang in there and still compete as long as they don't lose their lane.

And on the border:

Draven - Give this guy ANY chance to get going and he'll make the enemy pay. Team him with a beefy CC support bot and you can get him fed before you can blink. Once he's fed and protected, the guy just puts out unmatchable damage and speed. Clears out turrets and the like with frightening ease. However, he is even more snowball reliant than the above 3 and lacks an escape mechanism.

Me, I shotgun support as much as possible now.

On another note, it seems Riot are now doing their discount skins/champs with a theme. I seriously hope the medical one comes soon...are they intentionally trolling that Nurse Akali is the only Akali skin that hasn't been discounted in the last few months?

Last edited by Last Sinner; 2012-08-24 at 04:01.
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