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Old 2012-08-24, 07:25   Link #2647
Beta Tester
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: The Netherlands
Age: 35
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Originally Posted by Last Sinner View Post
Kog'Maw - Good spammer but perhaps the easiest to kill once you get past their ulti. Just get in its face and roll it.
Miss Fortune - Great harass and passives but her ulti and spam become somewhat ineffective late, needs to get ahead early and can't against proper bottom combos.
Tristana - Handy escapes and passives but not effective enough in team fights unless fed early.
Varus - Weak and has to be babysat hard to be useful. Gets even weaker late game.
Quite wrong about these few.

Kog'Maw's strength doesnt come from his ultimate spamming, that's only for AP Kog. He's one of the AD carries along with Tristana and Vayne who become extremely strong lategame. He needs babysitting early on, but if you can get a team that can protect Kog'Maw well in teamfights, he's very dangerous.

Miss Fortune has a pretty strong early game, and is pretty consistent throughout the entire game, she never really falls off though she isnt the strongest AD carry. She's my second favorite carry after Kog'Maw, she's pretty underrated IMO.

Varus isnt weak at all ( maybe during early game a bit), I think you dont see him enough in-game to get a proper opinion of him but he actually has incredible poking/harass with his Q if you max it first in lane. His E is a pretty good slow and his ultimate is a good snare, even better if you can get multiple people in it. He's not the best pick but still pretty underrated too.

I see Graves almost every single game, so I dont play him or Corki/Ezreal. I'd rather play my favorite carries like MF/Kog rather than the best ones and still do well with them.
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