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Old 2012-08-27, 16:25   Link #74
Twilight Impersonator
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: a zoo
The problem with a JL movie is its biggest franchise: Batman.

Batman is awesome.
Not only is Batman awesome but he needs to be shown being awesome at all times.

But Batman can´t look awesome when Superman is one-punch pulverizing giant robots, Green Lantern is engaging alien space destroyers, Wonder Woman is wrestling down hydras or Flash is evacuating a whole US city - by searching and then individually carrying every single one of its 5.6 million citizens out of the blast range of a nuclear device just 1.64 seconds before it goes off -.
As cool as his bat-toys are, none of them comes close to the magnificence of, say, the sight of a kryptonian battle armour in action, a sword that can carve the electrons off an atom or pretty much any of a green lantern´s light constructs.
His fighting skills are impressive... until you see the gurrrrrl of the team juggling three city buses.
It´d be like the Coulson/Black Widow scenne in the Ironman 2 movie where he struggles to beat one guy... while she´s taking out a dozen.
Only worse. ^^

So, they´ll have to dumb down the demigods instead to make him look awesome.
It´s why in the comics Superman suddenly drops 70 IQ points and turns into a stuttering kansas rodeo clown whenever Batman walks into the room, why Flash forgets his super-CSI forensic expertise and has to deferr to the playboy´s opinion, or air force pilot slash intergalactic cop Green lantern and amazon-princess-raised-and-trained--by-3,000 years-old-immortal-warriors need to be told what to do.

The problem is, of course, that not many people will wanna pay USD$35 in tickets, 3d glasses and popcorn to go see a bunch of fools in spandex tripping around each other.
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