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Old 2012-08-30, 10:47   Link #177
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Join Date: May 2012
Originally Posted by ronelm2000 View Post
Spoiler for Volume 10, but no Volume 10 related stuff (just about the sword):

I summarized a list of Kirito's strengths and flaws:
1. Master of Game Memory
Floor 1 Boss uses Nodachi? No biggie, he's memorized ALL the Katana sword skills. (not spoilered because this is an LN SS detail that's not mentioned.) This is the reason for ALL of his awesomeness. (including memorization of every single detail about stuff he had abused so much. Details require LN spoilers.)

2. Plot Luck
Let's see.... I don't think I should explain it do I? Meeting 5 pseudo-harem girls (in the LN 7... no 8 depending on your choice). Getting ridiculous stuff that's supposedly rare. However, when he abuses this, it creates a problem called Plot UnLuck.

3. Scarred Protectiveness
In Aincrad, when you're a party member with Kirito, he'll NEVER allow you to go to a dangerous situation without the necessary failsafe. This was one of the inevitable results of RNR...
Spoiler for Vol 1 or Last Aincrad Eps [Floor 75]:

4. Determinator
He. does. not. simply. give. up. Seriously!
Spoiler for Vol 1 or Last Aincrad Eps [Floor 75]:

5. Genre Savvy
LN spoilers aside, Kirito implicitly knows several anime cliches. Let's see... his answer to Scilica when he saved her... how he says stuff is... awfully similar to some manga/anime lines... however this can often go for bad edges; see spoiler:
Spoiler for Caliber SS (Fairy Dance SS):

1. His BSOD lasts longer
No, he has never truly recovered from the scars he had incurred. Even if he did, he took him a long time to do so. He has never ever truly recovered from the events in RNR. He laments the fact that the reason he was in Aincrad in the first place was because he stayed away from his family...
Spoiler for Vol 1 [Last Aincrad Eps]:

Spoiler for Fairy Dance or [Alfeim Online Arc]:

Spoiler for Phantom Bullet:

2. Simply Too Rash
He simply takes mysteriously or ridiculously suspicious offers too affirmatively. No, not going to take a walk in the LNs again.

3. Plot UnLucky (could be an extension of Simply Too Rash)
Spoiler for RoTS [Floor 3]:

4. Imouto Complex
Speaks for itself Causes...
Spoiler for Fairy Dance:

5. Irresponsibility
He didn't took Klein's offer because he didn't want to take responsibility for Klein's friend's deaths. He didn't tell his level in RNR because he didn't wanna take the responsibility of his own fears (being called a Beater, etc.) After RNR though, he might have taken over most of this negative insight, but assumed a more "Hero" style approach...

6. Not Thrifty
This is one of the reasons he's ALWAYS broke, both in Aincrad (during the late eps), and after the GGO Arc. (sure it helps for a certain someone, but come on..! )

7. Overconfidence
Spoiler for Compilation of all Big Bad Battles:

...if you have stuff to add then add it! :3
To be fair to Kirito I would have done the same thing if my chances of getting an upgraded weapon were that high in an MMO
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