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Old 2012-09-02, 12:58   Link #285
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Join Date: Aug 2012
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Age: 29
Originally Posted by Clarste View Post
Men also like cooking. Women also like video games.
I think I already mentioned that men do cook, and that women do play games...I'm talking about the great majority...
I myself, cook sometimes, and so does my brother and father. I think you get the point.

M1sFyr3 - Probably because everytime Kirito rescues Asuna, or Asuna shows her weaknesses to Kirito, they think the producers are being sexist. They aren't. Women trust men to save and protect them, am I right or wrong? I don't think a woman will enjoy dying just because a man thought " OMG IF I SAVE HER SHE'LL BE THINKING I'M SEXIST " either that, or people think women can take everything upon them themselves, they're probably some war machine robots who will literally kick some guy's azz for sure, right? Because they are as strong as man by nature / sarcasm.
Now I haven't said this yet but, women need men to protect them, so they can feel safe, but men also needs the women's words. Men are strong physically but not mentally. We aren't war machines we need women to be by our side, because their words make us happy, and gives us also some confidence.
I am guessing that Kirito will nearly die once again, or a friend of his will die right in front of him, and he will be scared, thinking he no longer has the power to help anyone or to fight anything, and Asuna will be there to help him. I'm sure of it.
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