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Old 2012-09-03, 20:48   Link #67
Also a Lolicon
Join Date: Apr 2010
I swear someone has posted this video before.

He is a "wah, the anime I like is disappearing" type. Vexx was 100% correct on this. That doesn't mean the video doesn't make good points though.

AZ's points are made from a very "Cowboy Bebop was the best anime ever made, fuck K-On" point of view, aimed at people who share his point of view on anime. Which means they aren't relevant to all anime fans, they are of very little relevance to me for example, since I identify much closer with "crazed otaku" he mentions than himself.

So basically, video is crap, but makes one very good point.

A lot of the anime the mainstream anime fanbase in the west like, were produced with them in specifically in mind. If the mainstream western anime fanbase refuse to pay for their anime, no one will, thus all the anime aimed at them would disappear.

This is a problem if you happen to like Trigun or Bacanno or whatever, thus it either go out and vote for more anime like what you want with your wallet, or shut up. If you like K-On or anything else with a large otaku fanbase, this doesn't concern you. (Though if you can, please buy something, you don't have to shell out half a grand for the full set of BR's, but if you can afford the US release boxset or a figure or other cheaper merchandise, please buy it.)
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