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Old 2012-09-04, 01:54   Link #277
Le fou, c'est moi
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Las Vegas, NV, USA
Age: 34
^I don't particularly feel that strongly about the incident, I just feel sorry for the victim who'll be having a hard time for quite a while, but your faux-naivety is starting to really annoy me.

Look, you aren't taking the high horse, you're just acting like a hypocrite and going "no hard evidence" as if that excuses everything. Well just how many bullying incidents you've known and heard about have hard, irrefutable evidence? This one's got more than most, (suspiciously deleted) videos of the incident, a previous case, a clear power relationship, nonapologies (people keep talking about an apology...what apology? They said they did nothing wrong and the 2ch crowd can fuck off). Stop pretending to be stupid just to be contrarian.
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