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Old 2012-09-04, 16:55   Link #2224
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Originally Posted by Kazu-kun View Post
I think you misunderstood that part of the novel. The fact that they're obedient is a defect, something the Rath guys wanted to change. That's why they put Kirito there, since Kirito showed a tendency to disobey the rules, and they thought he would influence the AIs to start learning to disobey too.

Why did they want the AIs to learn to disobey? Because an AI that can't disobey won't be able to kill by their own accord, which is what they're looking for: AIs willing to kill.

But like I said, such an AI would end up turning against humanity at some point, so the whole experiment is flawed.
What I mean is, that it's true that Kirito's purpose of being on UW is to make the AIs learn to disobey, but that is only to the extent of the specific rules of killing other humans are forbidden. Because from RATH's perspective the only "defective" result is the obedience in not killing other humans. Other than that, the RATH still wants to put the AIs on a leash which would make them into an obedient killing drone.
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