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Old 2012-09-04, 21:38   Link #2236
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Originally Posted by Adigard
It's a discussion, you're just stating it won't work because it won't work... despite the fact that it's worked countless times in the past with real live human beings for lots and lots of years.
Ah, so you're agreeing with me?

Originally Posted by Kazu-kun View Post
For a certain period of time, but it almost always ends up in conflict, one way or another. That's why the world has changed over time. Things like slavery would still be a common thing otherwise.
Ten seconds on Google with "Modern day slavery" resulted in this hit on CNN from 2011...

"Obviously there is no precise figure, but the International Labor Organization and respected abolitionists like Kevin Bales and Siddharth Kara put the global number of slaves at between 10-30 million worldwide. At a minimum, 10 million"

A few more seconds listed another site from half a decade ago with a list of countries that officially permit slavery in their nations. There were a few of them. List may be shorter today, it's a rather dated article.

That's at least ten million slaves... today... And I'm willing to bet they're not considering the people bound into the drug trade that are virtually slaves, but living in nations that don't tolerate slavery (didn't read the whole article, so who knows). Now out of a total world population of nearly 7 billion that's not common, but I'm willing to bet those 10 to 30 million people would feel differently.

On topic, arguing that governments wouldn't waste money on things related to weapon's development is a fool's gambit. You'll almost always be proven wrong.

But we're veering wildly off topic so we should carry on with more on-topic conversations... You know, talking about the novels ^_^

Originally Posted by Kazu-kun View Post
Don't look at me. You are the one beating the dead horse.
But I'm winning~

Last edited by Adigard; 2012-09-04 at 21:59.
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