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Old 2006-01-04, 15:24   Link #1
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Join Date: Jan 2006
[CE] Ideal Seed3 suggestions

Lets make this thread a place to suggest how you would like the 3rd SEED season to be:

My ideal situation is kind of extreme but it is a great solution to the character development problems that are plaguing the series:

Athrun dies. I am a huge Athrun fan, but think of how that would shake the entire remaining cast, and how it would change and add development to main characters. He was awesome at the end of GSD but he has completed his purpose. He can die a hero. The first few episodes focus on a major battle against the last (?) of a major resistance.

Immediately we are introduced to action. There are 3 enemy gundams (sword calamity, and 2 other familiar ones), and it is basically a suicide mission on their part. The pilots are drugged coordinators like in seed. We get to see Kira, Athrun, and Shinn fighting together..... but Athrun ends up dying while saving Shinn from a team attack. Athrun manages to kill both of the druggies as this happens. Kira snaps and obliterates the last enemy gundam in a rage. I picture him destroying everything but the cockpit and chest, and then finally "executing" him with all his DRAGOONS at once. This battle is about year after GSD (a few months after final +), and after it, some more time passes like a few months.....
This tragedy sets up the new season.

-----From here the main characters are :

Kira : Broken by the death of Athrun, he isolates himself . He went berserk at the sight of athrun's death was the one who wanted the kill of the 3rd rebel gundam, and since then he has changed. Lets just say his "no-kill policy" is no more.... The death of someone as close as Athrun has more of an impact than the death of Flay, and "activated" a berserker in him. What is his true destiny as the ultimate coordinator?

Shinn : Also changed by the death of Athrun. He feels responsable, and yet wants to prove himself to a dead Athrun and it solidifies his new ways since final +. He becomes a true hero like Athrun and tries to live up to Athrun's ways. It is like the spirit of justice and of Athrun have empowered Shinn. A new hero emerges...

----- I think these should be the two MAIN characters, and the contrast between them is that the death of athrun has almost reversed their roles from GSD.----

secondary characters (rest of "main" cast)

Yzak : Since the death of Athrun, he also uses it to become stronger and re-dedicates himself to be a an ace pilot. He is on the main team and gains seed mode within the first arc. Also he should get a new look (specifically haircut, lol)

Luna : Not active duty. Has a role in training the new pilots. w/ shinn

Shiho : Reserve pilot, also plays a role in training the new pilots. w/ yzak

New pilots : any combination of 3 - male/female coordinator/natural . one probably would be talia's son. Have yzak, shinn, luna, and shiho as superiors/mentors. I think that they had to accelerate the normal
recruiting program, so these are younger and less experienced than normal red coats, but they learn fast.

---- I like the idea of shinn and yzak working together and becoming brothers in arms because they are both similar, and have had a redemption in their recent past. Also a split screen red/blue seed mode would be awesome. ---

New enemy pilots that eventually show up: They are "extended coordinators" (using an altered technology seen in GSD), a part of a greater resistance that has been recruiting for their cause. The same leader of the other group, which was not the last of them. They have been growing in size since the end of GSD and have a secret base somewhere (??). The resistance are kind of a amalgam of the nations that did not want to merge with orb and also the coordinators that did not like the new way of zaft. There are naturals but mainly as grunt pilots. Their "army" is almost non-existant, but since there location is unknown, it is not the same type of war. They would be more like terrorists.

cameo only : Mwu and Murrue, Andy, Dearka (injured in final +, lost an arm and cant pilot anymore)

-----------------------Gundams --------------------------

Yzak and Shinn get entirely new gundams (Shinn's introduced from the first episode, Yzak's is created after he is re-assigned following D.O.A ) that are within the confines of the new non-nuclear treaty like all other weapons of war since GSD. They are still powerful, but have a battery limit, probably on the same level as Destiny and Legend. So not overpowered and have to be balanced. I picture Shinn having a transforming gundam (homage to athrun) and Yzak having a hulking arsenal gundam Duel II. (we havent see a normal size, but bulky gundam yet)

The 3 new pilots have a rotating use of an impulse 1.5 (non transforming, just one unit) and the 3 extended's gundam packs, abyss, gaia, and chaos. I really want to see these packs in action. The pilot of impulse is determined by who is best ace at the time, and the new pilots are always trying and succeeding in outdoing eachother. maybe each has their own favorite pack to use. The remaining 2 use Zaku.

Kira is technically not an active pilot, but he uses Strike Freedom and violates the treaty when he pleases.... He roams the outer regions of space looking for other remnants of the resistance. Since he is basically royalty, and also the most powerful, no one opposes him. But he is not involved in most major battles but instead goes on solo missions.

The new extended coordinator enemy pilots have new gundams when they finally show up, and they are nuclear powered.

From here, anything can happen. what do you think?

comment or suggest your own ideal 3rd season start.
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