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Old 2012-09-10, 16:41   Link #30488
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Originally Posted by Myname View Post
So from what I can understand of the last novel, there's no actual solution to the murders...
Right, there's no actual solutions to the murders. Technically, we don't even know if there WERE murders, though it was very lightly implied by Eva's diary. We DO know the solutions to the gameboards, though. Mostly. Kinda.

Also, the Battler-family culprit, even if it DID happen in the real world, would have been NOTHING like what we saw in either EP7 or EP8. The one in EP7 is out of character and, frankly, makes no logical sense. And the one in EP8 is openly admitted to be just a logic riddle.

Originally Posted by GoldenLand View Post
Servants hired from the Fukuin house work at Rokkenjima in shifts; they're not there every day of the year. In the TIPS menu in-game, it mentions how Shannon and Kanon just happened to both be on duty on the days of the family conference in 1986. There are other servants who work at Rokkenjima too and who just weren't on the roster for those days.
Well, that's not entirely true - Shannon and Kanon didn't "just happen" to be on the schedule that day, Natsuhi scheduled all of the servants who knew about Kinzo's death and could support her in that. The only exception is Ghoda, who seems to only be present for Ryukishi to use as a clue for certain things, and by Natsuhi because his cooking was just too awesome.
I do think it's odd we didn't get more about Shannon's free time. Granted, I was kind of sick of Shannon by EP4, but we're told in EP6 that she was only working, like, 3 days a week? And was of course a full time student like Jessica.

Originally Posted by GuestSpeaker View Post
. Haha, funeral for Kanon, you could probably string the audience into thinking it was Beato for a fair while.
Man, probably. It's interesting how outside of a blurb at the end of Clair's story, Kanon just doesn't even figure into Requiem, and Will's just all "Yeah, we don't need that part of the story." And I'm like "...wat."

Originally Posted by Renall View Post
Actually, let's roll with this just for fun. Given the association Will has with Lion and whatnot, who's to say Will isn't essentially the author avatar for the person who actually wrote the Lion idea, based upon the forgery of End and its insinuation that there was a secret baby?
Stop it, Renall, stop being the BEST PERSON OF ALL THE PEOPLE.

I've always subscribed to Will to "a reader who wasn't a jerkass goat, and satisfied Tohya's/Beato's desire to have the story understood properly", but Will = creator of the Lion idea is also pretty satisfying in several ways... an experienced mystery fan would certainly be weary of "certain kinda of tales", and it also holds true to Will deciding not to hold Beato's board to the standards of the Van Dine rules.

ALSO, Wanderer, thanks for clearing up why you didn't take to my "Kanon had an individual body" theory, that's pretty valid.
I would counter, however, that the abuse of Shkanon's "mechanics" (however loosey goosey they might be) is already in the writing, and needs to be accounted for. I HAVE to account for the EP5 parlor scene because it is SO glaring, just, SO VERY glaring, especially after you read EP6. About Lambda's red that the person count is the same, i think the Shkanon Replacement Theory as you offer, probably puts the person count as There are 17 people, except when it's only 16 people.. If I have to also account for Battler's red that killed Erika at the end of EP6, I can only say "rule of cool", as Ryukishi has blatantly done SEVERAL times in the Meta-shenanigans, anyway.
But yeah, I see why one can feel differently, also. Trying to imagine a "1 person, 2 bodies" gameboard...

Last edited by Kealym; 2012-09-10 at 18:51.
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