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Old 2012-09-11, 02:37   Link #30500
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Rokkenjima
Age: 27
And so Kanon and Shannon are 2 different people! EP7 was a complete troll of an episode...
...............Episode 7 was the best Episode in Chiru............And Battler never saw Shkanon together in Ep1-4, Only does See them In Ep5 , When he is not the detective , As for who is, Erika , Her goal in Episode 5 is not to find culrpit of Umineko , It's to blame everything on Natsuhi because Adults told her to do so and are Helping her.Who Kills Krauss is a mystery, I don't know why would someone do it. Piece Erika is different from Meta Erika. They have different goals, Piece Erika wants Natsuhi to admit Kinzos death and Meta Erika wants to Destroy Illusion of the witch, She does not need a real answer , therefore she does not care for Shkanon, Of course she noticed that 1 person was missing but she did not question it, Because she is also one of the actress characters to make Natsuhi look like the culprit.Kanon existed with Shannon with servants only as for the reletives , they are not the detective so their point of view is subjective.Shkannon Exists, It is hinted at and I can't see murders of Ep1-4 being explained without it , (We are cheating with reds a little with personality death and Believe it or not I like Shkannon solution because it is twisted, evil and just mindfuck). As For the Prime Kanon probably never really existed , or he once did as Shanon playing the part of guy for Jessica on the school culture festival. This is what I believe.
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