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Old 2012-09-14, 12:17   Link #433
Knight Errant
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Age: 35
That's not upper middle class. Upper middle class is 80k-150k. Lower middle class is 50k-100k. Though the delineation between middle class and working class is as much about the type of work you do as the income you make.

EG my mom working a working class job on the assembly lines of GM made more money then my father working what can only be defined as an upper middle class job as a university professor of Mathematics (though those were in the days when GM had obscenely and unsustainably high wages).

If you're making more then 150k, you're really edging into upper class territory. Though again, the distinction between middle class and upper class is as much about how you make your money.

Working class: makes money through direct, often skilled, manual labour. Think Farmer, factory worker, repairman. Today might also includes people in "services" (IE callcenter operators, janitors, people who serve food at movie theaters...)
Lower Middle Class: People who make money through working more menial but skilled brainwork, but doesn't require manual labour, eg Clerks, bank tellers. Also might include small business owners
Upper Middle Class: People who work in highly skilled professions, that are again largely dependent on brainwork. Professors, senior managers, Lawyers, Doctors etc. Also might include Small and medium sized business owners
Upper Class: People who make money not through labour, but through ownership of property. IE the Mitt Romneys of this world.
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