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Old 2012-09-14, 20:04   Link #10510
Homo Ludens
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Canada
Age: 34
Originally Posted by Sol Falling View Post
In any case, Ajimu was stated to be omnipotent/omniscient, but what about her specifically gives her those abilities? Presumably if it's her status as a Not Equal
Not at all, it's her Skills. Presumably she has some method of acquiring them, in the same way Medaka does. That's why we used to think she was Medaka's future self or something like that.
What a "Not Equal" is remains completely undefined; the term has been used to describe both beings that are "parts" of Ajimu, (the candidates), beings that have Skills granted to them by Ajimu (Aka), and "beings that transcend humanity" (so far only Ajimu and Hanten).
Regardless of whether or not there are other Not Equals as powerful as Ajimu, one has to question why she simply can't, for example, use her Teleportation Skill to warp Iihiko into deep space and her Gravity Control Skill to crush him into a black hole. He might recover from that relatively quickly depending on how powerful he is, but his level of power should have nothing to do with how long Ajimu can stall him for; the Skill she has that we already know about should be more than enough to occupy him for longer than 15 seconds.
Only thing I can think of is if he's immune to all her Skills somehow, but that raises an interesting question:
If Ajimu's entire character drama prior to the ending of her arc was about "trying to find something impossible", and assuming she is omniscient as the narration claims she is, why hasn't she tried to defeat Iihiko before now, assuming she cannot, in fact, beat him?
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