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Old 2012-09-16, 09:05   Link #4188
Licensed Hunter-a-holic
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Age: 35
Originally Posted by sagdashin View Post
Wouldn't every problem adressed for a new F/SN adaptation by Ufotable be solved simply by changing the narrative from 1st to 3rd person, like how Zero was written/told? Then everyone gets much screen time and inner thoughts for us to hear, not just from Emiya (1st person) as in the game/anime.
That would require them to overhaul the entire story to the point they might as well make a Super Route that just has a new storyline instead, since the game is specifically designed to be told through Shirou's POV, so changing that into 3rd person would mean they have to re-write everyones role, change a lot of the ''twists'', give closer to more of the cast etc.

Basically, it wouldn't be a Fate/Stay Night game at that point ...
Originally Posted by Haak View Post
And I also think a lot of people would be able to take Saber's death in HF much better if she was given a perspective similar to the one she was given after Emiya faced her one on one in that Bad ending.
Well, you need to take into consideration that this is a game where you can only complete it by fully seeing every possible ending (Good, Normal, Bad and True) and taking everything you've seen through Shirou's eyes (and occasionally the other cast members) and then try to guess the other cast members thoughts. With Saber Alter, we do get the impression like she is intentionally limiting herself and trying to help her opponents win and kill her through the Sparks Liner High and the last bad end where she curses Shirou for the first time for not killing her and making her continue to be Evil, as well as praising him when he succeeds, not interfering or stopping during their fights or the fight with Berserk etc.

I agree such a thing can't pass by in an anime unless they add more to clarify it, but as it is in the game and the limitations that are inherent to eroge's, they did a good job with it.
Originally Posted by Haak View Post
Wait...she does? I thought she only went into Avalon because she got the Avalon from Shirou near the end of Fate?
Her getting the scabbard back doesn't really make a difference, since in the legend even after the sheath is stolen from him(her), King Aurthur's injured body will be ferried away to Avalon (the actual location) where he will rest after the Battle of Camlann, until the time comes for him to come back (Basically, that the idea where they got Jesus' and Nero's resurrection from). It's inevitable that it will happen to Saber once she gives up on the contract for the Grail.

Of course, the question that was on my mind (and going by the lack of response in the Q&A thread, it seems no one knows for sure) is whether Shirou killing Saber means that she goes there directly or if she still gets another shot at getting the Grail again, and if she does get another chance what changes will her personality undergo, if any?

Originally Posted by Haak View Post
Well I'd personally like to see much more of her perspective into how she wants to handle Sakura. They could provide her perspective and still make her not stabbing Sakura at the last minute a surprise, if they do it right (It wasn't even much a surprise in game anyway). And I've always felt there were scenes triggered by her doing things off screen like how she decided not to press the issue when Shirou first refused to kill Sakura. It would've been good to have an extra screen of Rin wondering what to do and trying of think things out as she heads her way to Shirou's house.

As for how she deserves, well she does actually get a main character POV at both the prologue and the epilogue, is pretty much the only character that consistently serves as Shirou's ally in all three routes as well as having a final main character-ish confrontation with Sakura at the end. Not to mention the fact that she's based on the character that was originally meant to be the main character.
I actually think that was still Shirou, they just genderbent the old main protag into a man :P As far as I'm aware, Rin wasn't meant to be the main player character in the game.

Yeah I agree on things not being all that surprising in the game. By the time you get to Hevean's Feel you realize there are little actual surprises in this game (I mean really, it wasn't that hard to figure out things like who was Rider's master and what the Shadow was, even if the game made both Rin and Shirou act all surprised about it -_-) but you sort of still have to give the scene a little bit of suspense and make the player doubt themselves to keep things from getting too predictable.

Mind you, it would've helped had they made it more clear what she was thinking when she said those things to her sister ...

As for the rest, well the thing is that no matter how important Rin is in the story, this is still a game where she is a more like a target the character you control gets to at one point sleep with or fantasize about (or in the case RN, just fantasizing), so ultimately they couldn't have given her much of a bigger role when Shirou, the player character, couldn't have any method of accurately knowing what she was thinking about.

Had this been a novel, then it would've made more sense for Rin to have a large sum of the narrative focused on her and what she does in the background, but this is a game where it's constructed to have her fall in love with what is meant to be partly an avatar of the player so ...
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