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Old 2012-09-16, 16:01   Link #23711
Le fou, c'est moi
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Las Vegas, NV, USA
Age: 34
This article is...sensationalized.

The exercise was planned long in coming, before Netanyahu went off the deep end. It's done to show Iran that the Western powers have the capability to reopen the Straits, yes, but not because the West is rallying to war. If that's the case, putting all those naval assets in the restricted Gulf region before starting one is war criminal level idiocy.

And of course, nobody wants war. Obama rebuffed Netanyahu; Britain signals the same thing. Not even Israel, which is by now full of people increasingly hysterical over their prime minister going hysterical, want a war.

And...battleships? What battleships? Nobody in the world operates battleships. Even the Iowas are already decommissioned once and for all. Only Russia operates a battlecruiser (well, 3 rusting somewhere and 1 active), and it's just a very big missile cruiser.

I don't like the way news articles like this are going. War fever can shove it. The Muslim world is already spooked enough.
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