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Old 2012-09-19, 18:30   Link #113
Aquaman OS
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2008
No he rushed out in a last ditch "Either I kill all the Gundam's myself or I die trying" mentality. Either he made up for his massive blunder or he died. So when he was defeated, he just let himself die, no ejecting or heck he could have jumped over to Dark Hound's open cockpit if he really wanted. Of course none of that should have happened in the first place, but I think Age in general just shouldn't have happened at this point.

Hard to say whether Rey or Shinn or Zeheart had the best finale battle. All of them sucked to some degree, but Rey and Shinn at least a good few minutes each, and got some decent hits it, while Zeheart was destroyed in seconds without managing to do anything. But, while Rey just froze up and let Kira shoot him, Shinn and Zeheart fought to the end. However Shinn had lost it even worse than Zeheart, since his defeat involved him doing such genius things as attacking his own ally when she tried to get him to back off, attempting to block beam sabers with his bare hands, and then trying to kick the MS that had beamsaber legs.

Zeheart at least didn't do any blantantly stupid moves like that. He just kept on firing.
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