Thread: Licensed Saki manga
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Old 2012-09-20, 07:26   Link #1993
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I haven't read/spoiled myself on all of the Saki manga, but Myssa Rei recently informed me on the latest big sister estrangement reveal, and so I think I'll comment on it here.

While I completely accept how mahjong is a big deal in the Saki-verse, I'm honestly kind of glad that something more severe than mahjong-based disputes is what caused the estrangement between Saki and Teru.

Those flashback images are somewhat vague, of course, but they clearly imply something very serious.

Knowing that Saki can be a clutzy girl at times, and knowing that Saki has a tendency to get lost at times, I'm going to make the following guess: Clumsy and/or reckless behavior on Saki's part caused the severe injury and/or death of somebody very close to Teru. Maybe it was Saki frolicking around with Teru's friend by playfully pushing her while she was in her wheelchair, and Teru's friend was enjoying it until Saki accidentally went too far and pushed Teru's friend straight off a pier to a watery grave...

Yeah, I can see Teru disowning her sister over that, or something like it. Even if it was an accident, it was a stupid one, and it cost Teru one of her closest friends.
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