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Old 2012-09-20, 15:49   Link #63
Lone Hoshi
Join Date: Sep 2012
Age: 28
Originally Posted by TinyRedLeaf View Post
Precisely. Which was what I was more interested about originally, within the context of the Japanese Culture thread.

I work in media. I'm a strong supporter of the freedom of expression. But I've been uncomfortable for a long time with the idea that media producers are not responsible for the actions of the consumers of media products.

It's a cop out, I strongly feel, for media producers to make such claims. We do shoulder some responsibility. The question is, how much?

Media content can influence the way people think and behave. If it doesn't, we may as well stop producing advertisements and stop worrying about "propaganda". So, in the case of Japan, I would be interested to know why there is so much sexual interest in very young people in the first place. When did it begin? How did it come to be so? To what extent can it be attributed to media influence? Not just broadcast media, but also text literature, be it modern or old.
Yes, very true. Same as how our teachers are the pivots of a educated society, media shapes the "being". Not much a coincident that the prefix anim in anime means Soul in latin. Also the question of when did it begin... I would say in all of history sex has always been an interest, as males inevitably are drawn to the opposite sex. Since males start showing hormonal signs at age 13.... welll... you get the idea.


Originally Posted by SeijiSensei View Post
I recently heard a discussion with a psychologist about how the expanded access to pornography on the Internet had radically changed the expectations of young males about sexual relations. She argued that young women were being pressured to take part in things like anal and group sex because pornographic depictions of these types of sexual acts granted them wider legitimacy than they had before the Internet was available. I find that rather plausible myself though gathering evidence on this might be rather difficult.

A quick search on Google brought up this article which makes the same case.

It seems likely that expanded access to child pornography might have similar effects, though obviously on a much smaller group of the population.

From a methodological perspective, the arrival of the Internet provides a clear pre/post division that makes causal inference easier. Your question about whether anime fans have a higher preference for depictions of sexualized children than the population as a whole must confront what researchers call "selection bias." Since people watch what appeals to them, it is difficult to determine the direction of causality from media exposure on the one hand to attitudes and behaviors on the other. This is a serious methodological problem throughout the "media effects" literature. Suppose we find a correlation between watching a lot of televised violence and the propensity to commit actual violent acts. Is that because extended exposure to televised violence "desensitizes" viewers so they feel freer to commit acts of violence, or do people who have fewer inhibitions about using violence find televised violence more acceptable or rewarding and watch more of it as a result? Probably the answer is some of both.
I am a perfect example of this. Throughout my life ive been exposed to many things through media. I can first hand say that it has severely desensitizes my standards. Though I may be capable of self control and proper handling of my being, naturally the norm of society won't. Desensitizing society will lead not only to hell on Earth, but ultimately the forsaking of morality and decency.
And as we talk about the key concerning points that shape the very foundations of mankind, I feel like our government leaders are useless shits.
Special Thank you to thundrakkon, a great graphic designer.
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