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Old 2012-09-21, 09:09   Link #392
Otoshi-gami in training
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Germany
Age: 32
Originally Posted by Lenaisian View Post
I just want to suggest that we should leave the haters alone. If they hate something about a certain anime or show, will it affect something? We are entitled to opinions... but on the same process, we should express our opinions with PROPER REASON. I'll cite an example: sudolicious' post.

PS: I am not implying that the above mentioned username should post with proper reason; it applies to each and everyone of us who use the internet in a daily basis.
Maybe it's too early or I'm simply retarded, but I don't get over half of your post. Are you praising me here or are you naming me as an bad example? Because if the latter should be the case, I just wanted to comment on ForwardUntoDawns post, in which he said that "most Anime fans" would hate it, I just wanted to make clear what kind of people hate it and for what stupid reasons.

Of course them hating won't affect anything, but how can you even seriously ask that question in the first place? It's not about whether it affects something or not, this is a discussion forum, the very nature of this website is to exchange opinions and views. If someone is criticizing Strike Witches with legitimate arguments and therefor concludes that Strike Witches is "bad", then I would be glad to discuss this topic with him.
But, if someone is ranting about a certain show, without giving any proper arguments whatsoever, while just hanging onto one tiny irrelevant aspect, then I won't bother giving "reasons".
I dismissed their complaints and moved on to the more important part of my post, establishing that SW has a lot more fans than haters. I don't have a problem with people not enjoying shows I liked, I just don't like to see them talking out of their ass and trying to make the show look bad when they clearly don't have any foundation for it in the first place.
But again, that hasn't even been the case here, my focus was on supporting the fanbase, and not bashing the haters.

If I simply misunderstood your post - which I still think is highly possible - then I'm sorry, in this case I hope I didn't offend you and would delete my post soon. I was just a bit surprised to see this kind of reply, especially since someone else told me to "behave", so I thought this two things could be related to each other.
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