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Old 2012-09-21, 15:59   Link #1317
likes cute things
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Searching for more imoutos
Age: 43
I see a lot of comparisons to Mashiro-iro, I'm not really understanding why this show even needs to be brought up to compare with Koichoco. The pacing and development in Mashiro-iro was done much better although I admit the bath scene was going too far to confuse people which girl the protag is going for (I preferred Angelina btw). Other than that, everything was portrayed in a believable fashion unlike Koichoco which felt forced many times with a lack of proper explanation (having a poor flow of story telling).

Using anidb I looked up some eroge anime adaptions that are 12-13 eps long. Now I've seen more than these shows but the setting is a bit different for other eroge adaptions and some I just don't remember as clearly on how the plot progresses. I obviously can't go into the specifics because that would be spoiling people that haven't seen a particular show, so I will speak in general and in code.

First to get it out of the way since it was mentioned in an earlier post by someone.
- Yosuga no Sora

This adaption had each heroine have their own story just like Amagami, problem with using this method for koichoco is seeing a repetition of the election (even though there are differences).

- Hoshizora e kakaru hashi
- Lamune
- Otome wa boku ni koishiteru
- Yoake mae yori ruriiro na: Crescent Love

When I think about it... Hoshizora, had a very similar way of handling who the protag would end up with like Koichoco. It was not clear but there were many hints. I'm not sure what I could make of this but I thought I should throw it out there for people to discuss. But imo, this should be the show that Koichoco is compared to instead of Mashiro-iro. However to be clear, I do feel the bath scene in Mashiro-iro to be a similar way of handling how far in the relationship the protag has gotten with that paticular girl to be comparable with Satsuki in Koichoco.

Now Otome wa boku kinda surprised me. The only reason I can accept the ending is because my favorite girl got picked. _However I never saw it coming!_ There were hints here and there but, _that's the same for every other girl!_ I will admit, for this show, I'm pretty darn biased.

WARNING: Even speaking in general, I still consider reading about Lamune and Yoake a spoiler, read at your own risk.

Spoiler for Lamune and Yoake:
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