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Old 2012-09-22, 08:50   Link #79
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Neither Here nor There
Age: 39
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I loved the fist bump between KYH and Chiyu after the fight. Not only was it so typical of what I've come to know of KYH's gamer personality, but it was like the most awkward fist bump since it had to be done sideways otherwise she'd probably take Chiyu's arm off.

Alls well that ends well for now, it's been a fun ride pretty much all the way through with a few downer moments when Nomi had the upper hand. As expected though he's pretty much low tier and ultimately no match for a well prepared Haru one on one. It's funny cause going back to their first fight even he was always pretty much crap compared to Haru and would have lost even there were it not for the psychological shock Haru got after losing his wings. Same for the second fight, he barely survived thanks to the clock and this time his luck just plain ran out at long long last.

There's a lot of teasers and setups for the second season already in the latter half of the episode too, which I didn't fail to notice. Sky Raker is returning to the clan, Chiyu joined up as well and there's other new characters that put in a quick appearance during the credit sequence. If that doesn't tease at a second season then that's just plain cruel on Sunrise's part as this has been one of the most enjoyable weekly watches for me this season. I guess my full attention now turns to SAO, which had always felt like the desert to Accel Worlds full course since I usually watch them in close proximity but always seemed to end up getting more into the latter. Maybe it's because I was totally caught off guard by the KYH character who can't seem to be on screen for more than a few seconds at a time usually without doing something either really hot, really gar, really amusing or all of the above. Anyway It's the perfect time for this to be ending though while it's sister series starts heating up and the new season of possible intrigue begins, but I hope to see the murmurs of a second season in the near future.
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