Thread: Crunchyroll Oda Nobuna no Yabō
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Old 2012-09-23, 12:35   Link #1486
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Florida
Sengoku (Past) The Final - Won the Battle, But the War Goes On...

Though superficially similar to Sengoku Otome, that show and Nobuna established their own identities pretty clearly early on. I find that Otome is more fun, but Nobuna is overall more theatrical. The camera angles and the composition of the pictures especially contribute to this, and nowhere did that shine more than in Nobuna's battle with Konoe. The final shot of a hawk sweeping through the clouds was also pretty grand.

Of course those two were still alive, and the reunion they bought with them was quite heartwarming. Honnoji still hasn't happened yet, so I can't see Mitsuhide's relationship with Yoshiharu being all friendly forever, but he's already changed history once. Maybe he can change it when it gets to that point, too. Of the currently airing Sengoku shows, Collection is probably my favorite, simply because it caters to my tastes more, but Nobuna was really well done. The history was clearly well-researched, and the cast put in a performance that was equal parts cute and cool. Kanae Itou as Tsundere!Nobunaga in particular, even if she did channel a bit of Sena in the role. My favorite characters was probably Bontenmaru. Soft spot for overblown heroics and all.

The final shot definitely teased us for a second season. Should one be delivered, I won't mind. There's plenty more history to draw on, and more chances for us to see the Oda group (and Yoshiharu) in action.
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