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Old 2012-09-24, 14:39   Link #79
black knight iust
spirit 1
*IT Support
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: gloucester city nj
Age: 31
Why do the BETA want it? Are they capable of making a countermeasure to the gun?
the beta probly want it due to a certin resorce that most likly went into its development
and if memory servs correctly it was yokohama base that had a hand in its development and as many know eveything that has to do with that base is odd in some way

now that i think about it couldnt when they were taking off try to use i beleave it was called draft to give yuuya a speed boost knowing his engine was damaged
now getting another look at when the shurinai was smashed into the wall the eyes were blinking

i get the feeling zhar battalian will be impessed with yuuyas damage and kills

Last edited by black knight iust; 2012-09-24 at 14:50.
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