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Old 2012-09-28, 13:30   Link #4765
Aquaman OS
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2008
Destroy's were good at collateral damage, wiping out legions of grunts in formation, and other land based MS's. And were invulernable to ranged weaponry. That was about it. Against a flight capable MS acting solo, or in a small spaced out group, with a melee weapon it was pretty much a sitting duck.

The only reason Kira had so much trouble was because it was invulnerable to his guns, and every time he tried to go in for melee Neo or Sting or Shinn would cut him off. Once the other two were down and Shinn was sufficiently distracted he downed it in two stabs.

Of course I might not be giving it enough credit. It would be extremely effective in any battle that a Gundam wasn't present at. It's other major problem was the idiots in charge of deploying it deciding to send it to raze Berlin (their own freaking city) and horde the spares for base defense instead of say....dropping in on Carpentaria when Minerva was confirmed deployed far far away.
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