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Old 2012-09-29, 04:15   Link #166
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Originally Posted by Auron Requies View Post
Also didn't Yellow Radio mention something about wondering how Red Rider feels since he lost his Brain Burst from a sneak Attack (BLotus) but it's revealed here memory wiped. LN Volumn 6 also states RRider memory is wiped. (Is this a minor error?)
Nah, I guessing either:

a) He really doesn't know about the memory wipe and just assume that to troll BL
b) He knew but said that to troll BL

Remember that KYH doesn't know the memory wipe. It is in character for him to do mind games.

Originally Posted by Auron Requies View Post
I absolutely agree with this all the way.

This statement also made me think twice about AW theme of being true to oneself as indicated by the creation of each individual's avatars (Since it's a manifestation of their fears, deep desire, etc) as well as the subplots of Cyan Pile arc (He wanted to be the perfect lover for Chiyu by being highly academic and athletic as well perceiving Haru as an inconvenience) and Dusk Taker/Robber arc (Bloody troll).
Which brings up the question for what purpose does BB exists? It is a very powerful program to erase memories. I highly doubt it is game anymore. Why do I have a feeling that BB is a case study of the young generation?
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