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Old 2012-10-01, 07:36   Link #1572
Rokushiki User
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: New York
Age: 32
^That's interesting, but I don't think(or at least I'm not sure) the same trick will work twice. Remember CF's dialog when he said the A.I could find little glitches or tricks the players were taking advantage of and block/fix them immediately. The one he took advantage of was his Flash Blink, but he said he would never be able to do that again since the computer most likely corrected that flaw in the imperial city's boundaries.

I don't think they will be able to render the phoenix useless again. The A.I must have seen it's hp drop to 10% while the others were fine. Either it will get vacuum proof flames or it wont leave it's buddies like that again.

How about luring Metatron into the fray? That things immune to everything but that one stage or whatever right? They can take the BBHQ guard away and fight the god beasts with a practically invincible beast at the same time. So maybe whoever tamed him took him away in the first place realizing that?

Also, I'm not sure but..I've got a feeling there must be some incredibly obvious method that is so simple no one can think of it. Puzzles like that come up more often than not in games and rl. >_>;
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