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Old 2012-10-03, 23:43   Link #1
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 42
Little Busters - Weekly Episode-to-Game Comparison Thread [Spoilers Aplenty]

As the title of this thread suggest, the purpose here is to allow discussion which compares the content between an anime episode as it aired and how it is laid out in the source material the anime was adapted from. All spoilers are allowed as long as it is relevant to the discussion at hand. It will be helpful if the posters clearly indicate the episode number before engaging into a detailed comparison to the source material. Obviously you are required to watch the episode prior to posting here. This thread is open to everyone, but since game players are expected to participate, anime-only viewers are advised to use discretion before venturing into this thread.

For the Little Busters VN Readers: Please do your darndest best to stay on topic when engaging into these comparisons. Whenever you see one of your fellow game-players spewing spoilers for no apparent reason, please report these off-topic posts so a moderator can delete them.

Have fun!
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